Preparing your yard this fall can give you a head start on spring landscaping, but it can also mean suffering from seasonal allergies since ragweed pollen and lingering mold can create symptoms for some allergy sufferers.
Here are 5 tips to reduce allergens in the areas surrounding your home to help you breathe a little easier:
Choose the Right Time:
Work in the early morning or evening hours. Avoid mid-day and afternoon hours since pollen counts are highest during this time.
Weather can also play an important role. Rain showers can temporarily clear pollen from the air. Thunderstorms, however, can increase airborne allergens.
Wear Protective Gear:
Use masks and gardening gloves to help keep allergens from entering your airways and to keep your hands clean.
Wear large sunglasses to keep pollen and mold from aggravating your eyes and a hat to reduce pollen from sticking to your hair.
Wear long pants and shirts to prevent skin irritation and keep allergy-causing stinging insects away
Choose Landscaping Wisely: If you are considering adding new trees, grass, and plants, be sure they aren’t the worst allergy offenders. Everyone’s allergies are different, but these are typically safe:
Begonia flower
Plants and Flowers
Keep Your Yard Clean:
Regularly rake leaves and remove debris to prevent mold growth and pollen accumulation.
Continue mowing your lawn throughout the fall to keep your grass short and prevent grass from flowering and producing pollen.
Shower and Change Clothes:
Remove your shoes before entering your home.
Shower and change clothes to remove pollen.
Taking allergy medication before you head outdoors can help prevent allergy symptoms. For those with severe seasonal allergies, allergen immunotherapy (aka allergy shots) can provide great relief.
If you think you are one of the more than 50 million Americans that suffer from allergy and asthma, call 240-243-6115 and schedule an appointment to see me. You can also request an appointment on our website by clicking on the "Appointment Request" button. We can evaluate your symptoms, perform appropriate testing, and create a personalized treatment plan for you.
Here’s to a fall season that is more enjoyable and less allergy-inducing!